Hi, My Name is
Harsh BansalI build things for the web.
I am a web developer with hands-on experience in both front-end and back-end development. I possess strong problem-solving abilities in C++ and Python.
01.About Me
Hi, I’m Harsh Bansal, a Software Engineer in the making with a passion for turning complex problems into elegant solutions. I thrive on optimizing code with C++ and Python by utilising data structures & algorithms, all while diving deep into web development. With a strong foundation in computer science and a love for continuous learning, I’m excited to build innovative solutions and keep pushing the boundaries of technology
I am currently pursuing Bachelor of Technology in Computer and Communication Engineering at LNMIIT, Jaipur.
Here are a few technologies I have been working with recently:
- JavaScript (ES6+)
- Next.js
- React
- Node.js
- TypeScript
- Express.js
- MongoDB
- MySQL / PostgresDB
- C++
- Python3
- ORM : Prisma
- Git / Github
- Docker
03.Some Things I have Built
Featured Project
Track My Money
A fully functional Budget Tracker to help us maintain our incomes and expenses, and visualize our financial summary using charts, categorize them using customized tags, in any currency. The end users can authenticate using Clerk and the database is maintained in PostgresDB.
- Nextjs
- Typescript
- Clerk
- PostgresSQL
- React-Query
- Prisma
Other Noteworthy Projects
view the archive
LNMIIT Centre for Entrepreneurship's Website
A startup management website for seamless onboarding into my university's incubation center, enabling startups to manage documents and admins to generate notices, events, and access startup data. Currently under development.
- TypeScript
- TailWindCSS
Customised To-do Application
The website integrates ContestAPI for local management, allowing on-the-go applications to perform CRUD operations on each list item. This enhances flexibility and ensures that both startups and admins can efficiently manage tasks in real-time.
- Reactjs
- Tailwind CSS
- ContextAPI
SMS Spam detection Data Science Project
The goal is to build a predictive model that can accurately classify SMS messages as either spam or non-spam (ham). The project utilizes Machine Learning classification algorithms to achieve this objective.
- Machine Learning
- GoogleCollab
- Data Science
Dynamic Portfolio Website
The Website that user is currently witnessing is made to create a creative portfolio and send query to email.
- NextJS
- TypeScript
- TailwindCSS
Tic Tac Toe Game using AI
A creative Tic Tac Toe game where human and computer can play. Leveraged minimax algorithm as AI. Some Basic UI
- JavaScript
- AI
04. What’s Next?
Get In Touch
I am currently exploring new opportunities and would love to connect. If you have any openings or simply want to chat, my inbox is always open. I look forward to hearing from you and will do my best to respond promptly!